
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The First Day of Kindergarten!

The time has finally come:  Kindergartners had their first day of school today!

I am so impressed by how "school ready" our kindergartners are!  They came in ready to learn and meet new people.  On our first day students learned about many important classroom and school routines.  Ask your child to tell you how they do the following things at school:

1. Make your lunch choice and "check in" on the Smartboard
2. Walk in the hallways
3. Eat lunch in the cafeteria
4. Let the teacher know you need to use the bathroom
5. Sit on the carpet for a whole group lesson
6. Let the teacher know you have something to say
7. Use the slide and monkey bars
8. Give someone a "CHOMP" (and for bonus, ask them what getting a CHOMP means!)

For fun, try practicing some of these at home!  Act out the correct way to use the slide in your living room, or turn your child into the teacher and let them call on each family member at the dinner table while you're eating dinner.  We'll be talking more about CHOMP as school progresses, but for now, encourage your child to look for "CHOMP" behavior at home.  For example, if your child's younger or older brother is sitting patiently and waiting, encourage your kindergartner to give him a CHOMP!